♥ DAILY LOVE TIP – Saturday August 20, 2011
Dear ♥Readers, I am doing an experiment to see what are the kinds of things that stand out for you, impact you, touch you, are important to you. I’m curious as well as it informs me in my objective to serve you better.
Question for you: what is a special moment that stood out for you yesterday or today? Please share either in the Comment box below or on Facebook on the Institute for Relationship Development Facebook page – http://www.facebook.com/InstRelDev where the blog is also posted.
A simple game that is a great one to play with others is what is your HIGH and what is your LOW for the day. Some may have seen the family in the movie “The Story of Us” doing this sharing around the dinner table. It’s also a great one for couples to do each day or any relationship where you want to get to know each other…
Shelton and I have done this as a night-time ritual lying in bed for a couple of years. It is very interesting to hear what he chooses as well as seeing what I come up with – I don’t usually know until I start reflecting…it’s a great process……
……..out of all the things that happen in a day what is it that stands out for you♥……?
Like I’m just reflecting now and sorting through many, many things that have been significant – and today was special for lots of reasons……one HIGH was my brother and sister and their partners visiting and sharing dinner with us tonight – which was of extra importance as it doesn’t happen very often…….and yet sifting and sorting the thing that was my HIGH was the first mouthful of the raw cacao mint ‘cheesecake’ liberally sprinkled with cacao nibs and goji berries that I made tonight – it was sooooooo smooth and delicious – such an amaaaaaazing taste – it is generally one that we have in our freezer for everyday nibbles…..yet we have been without this particular one for a couple of weeks and mmmmmmmmmmmm – yum!
Now there is part of me that is embarrassed to share that is my HIGH for the day and not something far more esoteric and elevated and scholarly and relational! Yet that is it :O)!
Now if you want to explore and share further a way you can do this when you are with someone who is willing to ♥MIRROR you is that you ask them to be there for you as you explore what is important about that for you….They do this by giving you their undivided attention and cross the bridge into your world……. It is always amazing what emerges and what you discover about yourself and them about you as you do this together….
♥MIRRORING TOPIC: share and have ‘the other’ ♥MIRROR you for a minimum of 5 minutes what is important for you about the HIGH that you’ve chosen. You can do it with the LOW as well if you like. Then switch and you ♥MIRROR them.
Todays’ Addition to my list of My ♥favourite things…..has to be that amazing raw cacao mint ‘cheesecake’…..if you want the recipe I’m happy to share…..by the way it is a very healthy thing to be eating as cacao and goji berries are very, very high on the list of the S-U-P-E-R-F-O-O-D-S to eat everyday!!
Indulging, relishing, savouring and delighting in the cheesecake as well as imagining the sorts of things you Dear ♥Readers might share…..looking forward to hearing your choices, ♥LOVE Susie.
Wisdom Cards – Affirmations – Louise Hay
Hi Susie….really enjoying your blog…my special moment today was watching my kids playing in the creek this morning and being reminded of simple pleasures which they are so good at relishing!
Thanks Kim♥ for reminding me of the image of creeks up here in the Hills…and kids playing….. and simple pleasures….. and r-e-l-i-s-h-i-n-g……Jane Brook (isn’t ‘brook’ such an evocative word – creek is too……..) is just down the bottom of our property and I haven’t played there for quite a loooooong time….is now on my “To Do” list – maybe with some kids….yet thinking again Shelton is hard to beat when it comes to playing…..:O) LOVE Susie♥
Hi Susie,
Always inspiring, you are now tempting me with Cheescake???! Of course I want the recipe. Thanks for your great ideas – I am passing them on.
warm wishes
Hello dear ♥Chris, of course tempting you with cheesecake :O) – especially this one that is so healthy you can even eat it for breakfast. Yay!! Thanks for spreading the word. How are you going with a photo of you and your Dad and the Victory sign? Hope all is well in your world. Sending yummie Chocolate Mint Cheesecake recipe by email. LOVE Susie♥
Others have asked so thought I would post the yummie recipe here: Enjoy & Thanks to Sam for this great recipe!
Yummiest Raw Chocolate Mint Cheesecake 🙂
3 cups cashews, soaked for 4 or more hours
1 1/8 cup agave nectar (or to taste) or other sweetener of choice – eg:-coconut palm sugar
1/3 cup melted cacao butter
1/3 cup melted coconut oil
2 vanilla beans, scraped (discard pods)
Scant ½ tsp salt
2 tbsp peppermint extract or flavour
10 drops peppermint essential oil (or to taste) or use amount to your taste
2 cups cacao powder
Put everything except the cacao butter into the Thermomix or Vitamix or similar and blend until really smooth (key to get the texture right), adding more water if needed (I use the water from soaking the cashews).
Add the cacao powder and blend until incorporated.
If using a Vitamix you will need to use the plunger attachment that comes with it to work the cacao powder in. You could always pour the batter into a large bowl and mix the cacao powder in by hand with a whisk.
(You don’t need to do this if you use a Thermomix – all is done in the jug)
Pour mixture (which is the consistency of a thick, runny cake mix) into a 9 inch tart pan with removable bottom. Line the bottom of the pan with wax paper.
I also liberally sprinkle goji berries and cacao nibs on top before going in freezer
Place in the freezer for 3 hours & is then ready to eat.
Separate sides of the tart pan from the bottom.
I cut the cheesecake into thin slices and store in the freezer for daily eating :O).
Can put in fridge for it to unfreeze and soften for a bit for a while if prefer it that way.
So Hey presto! Yummie healthy cheesecake to indulge on anytime!
PS: I use all organic ingredients.
Well Susie, my most memorable ‘impact’ yesterday was the one between my horse’s head and my own. But I suspect bruising and swelling are not the sort of impact you’re asking about.
Although the droopy eyelid was impressive.
Interpersonally, I’d say the biggest thing yesterday was for me to be able to say to my husband that I was really on a roll in the studio, that the painting was flowing and I didn’t want to interrupt it with our usual Sunday lunch date. For me to stand up for my creativity and for him to honor my space and not be put off by it. That was big.
But I should clarify…He would be the first one to say stay and paint. Really. I’m the one who has the problem putting my needs before ‘us’. So that was a big thing for me to do for myself.
And I hadn’t even realized it until you asked the question. xo
Hello ♥Susan sweetums on this gorgeous morning,
BIG, BIG WooooooHoooooos echoing around the planet!! I CELEBRATE ♥YOU FOR STANDING UP FOR YOUR CREATIVITY and for putting your needs before the ‘us’….what a BIG THING for you to do for yourself….Yay!!.
And I CELEBRATE your darling husband that honors your space and your creativity and your flow……
Isn’t it wonderful the realizations we have when we take the time to reflect….when someone asks us a question….. 🙂
Also hope your bruising and swelling has subsided…..
LOVE Susie♥