♥ DAILY LOVE TIP – Wednesday August 17, 2011
Here’s a comment from ♥Kristine to yesterday’s post that she shared on Facebook:
Thank you for sharing this Susie! I am finding your posts truly inspiring. Both Jamie and I read them and chat about them each and every day. We have both found that since we have been showing love to each other that our relationship has… improved significantly! We now go out of our way to think of things to make the other one feel loved and special. Last night Jamie ran me a milk bath and lit candles (two of my favourite things). We are now both waking up thinking about what we can do to make each other feel loved and treasured….This morning I made him a cup of his favourite coffee to drink on his way to work (one of his favourite things)….
And my reply:-It is so thrilling for me to hear your sharing Kristine – I am touched by your sweet ♥LOVE-ing for each other….how beautiful it is that you read the posts together and chat about them every day – Wonderful!! I just so value your sharing this….especially the following sentences which show how intentional you folks are being and putting into practice ♥LOVE is a verb, ♥LOVE is a Doing word, ♥LOVE is a Decision…..
We have both found that since we have been showing love to each other that our relationship has… improved significantly!
We now go out of our way to think of things to make the other one feel loved and special
We are now both waking up thinking about what we can do to make each other feel loved and treasured….
It is a decision we make and we make it every day, every minute, in the way that we behave with one another.……………………….
You guys are a real inspiration and you are on my Register of happy and successful long-term relationships I mentioned on the Monday August 15, 2011 ♥ DAILY LOVE TIP. BIG Thank Yous!!
And your sharing has an even deeper meaning for me as it quite serendipitously links to a post I have been thinking about for a while……You see Kristine and Jamie have two beautiful daughters who are so fortunate that they are being influenced by their parents beautiful ♥LOVE…. And what we know is:
Check out this video song that perfectly shows the impact of a couples ♥LOVE on their children – http://youtu.be/kipfslwRWGA
“All Is Right” by Erika Chambers and www.SavedMarriageNetwork.com
This video is of a song written and performed by Erika.
It is from her story where she as a child watched her parents fall in love again
– a true story of their own saved marriage and saved family.
Don’t worry that children never listen to you;
worry that they are always watching you ~ Fulgham
Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.~ Schweitzer
It touched me so deeply. Then thinking of you all out there around the world being committed in your own ways to mending and healing your relationships and lives and strengthening and deepening your ♥LOVE-ing, I cry tears that feel sweet and nourishing. We are so grateful to do the work we do – to assist in whatever ways that we do to help you and all the children – both the real physical children as well as all the ‘inner children’ – to feel safe, secure and happy in ♥LOVE-ing families.
I also admire and celebrate those of you who have come through a divorce or a relationship that didn’t work who are determined to create a different future for both yourself and your children by doing the hard re-building work you are doing. It’s also wonderful to know there are so many young people and other single people out there who are learning how to be the best YOU you can be that translates into being the best partner you can be. Let’s have more stories …..I find them so inspiring and encouraging…..as I know others do….♥…….
Today’s Addition to my list of My ♥favourite things…..
the word SERENDIPITY and amazingly……..
Celebrating all your ♥LOVE-ing Micro-MOVE-ments, JOYously Susie.
PLEASE NOTE: the very beautiful image of the hands full of hearts is called Love Song and is from the work of “Faire Un Voeu Photograhy” – It is available as a card as well as many other of her stunning images. See http://www.redbubble.com/people/faireunvoeu/art/5287722-love-song