22ndMay, 2011
What if today was the last day you could be caring to someone that matters to you♥
Spend just 30 days to create more love in the lives of people you care about!
Hello Lovelies,
My comment of “Here’s to visions of ‘emotional stampedes’ of love and healing” from the last blog didn’t happen and people have been slow and ‘sluggish’ to respond and sign up for the 30 DAY BEING-LOVE DARE/CHALLENGE/DREAM apart from a few amazing HERO-INES.
I was soooooooo very disappointed and ready to give up and give in and resign myself to spending my days watching Oprah re-runs and Little House on the Prairie on TV and eating bonbons (a joke Shelton and I have!!) – teehee – and my Inner Critic voices were telling me that what I am writing about doesn’t really matter to anyone much and it’s all too hard and why bother♥….My efforts to convince myself to be Glad No Matter What!!…..didn’t work as most parts of me weren’t listening….But I have gallantly lifted myself up from the muddy quagmire of despair…and the couch :O) – supported now with some wonderful help from some great Energizer Buddies ….and started over…..and have been refining what to do to next…
So the good news is I haven’t given up! One change is the STARTING DATE has been moved forward to June 1st so that the 30 DAY BEING-LOVE CAMPAIGN is now running from June 1st – 30th…..This is in response to a few comments from people when I posted the last blog that it would work better for them to start at the beginning of the month as it would allow them to more easily know what day they are at and as well it would give them a bit more time to prepare themselves…So Yay!! – You can join us!!
Another change is a NEW NAME – the 30 DAY BEING-LOVE CAMPAIGN. It is resonating better with me as a name – not sure why – just does! It’s all such an experiment…learning as I am DOing..!
Questions for you:
a) What is your wish or dream of how the relationships that matter to you are like♥
b) What if today was the last day you could be caring to someone that matters to you♥
c) Are you ready to be more loving and loved♥
YOUR ACTION PLAN or WHAT YOU DO. Going from DREAM-ing to DO-ing
The 30 DAY BEING-LOVE CAMPAIGN is in relation to a person who is important to you where your relationship is strained, or there’s stress and tension, or there’s conflict or maybe disconnection or perhaps you just don’t spend the time to nurture the relationship and yet you long to be closer to them…
DURATION TIME: 30 days – such a short time to create more love in your life!
START DATE: Wednesday 1st June 2011
COST: FREE– You simply choose how much time and effort you want to spend – with a reminder
The ACTIONS I take create the RESULTS I get!
a) You choose whichever relationship you will focus on for the 30 days
b) Click on leave a comment/leave a reply at end of this post and sign up for the 30 DAY BEING-LOVE CAMPAIGN and tell us what you dream about or wish for of how you want this relationship to be different focusing on what you are choosing to do differently for the next 30 days.
c) Write about it in the present tense – as if it is already happening.
d) We recommend making your actions SMART P – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant (to what you want to achieve), Time (set yourself a time limit for each day) and put it in the Positive (eg: A minimum of once each day I do something that makes ‘my friend’ feel noticed and that they are important to me instead of describing it by saying I am not neglecting or ignoring my friend)
Reading what I shared in the last post (Sunday 15th May 2011) about what I am choosing to do in relation to my sisters might help and give you some ideas.
INSTRUCTIONS & TO REGISTER: Read about it in full and Register Now at: http://susiesheartpathblog.wordpress.com/2011/05/16/the-30-day-being-love-darechallengedream/
BENEFITS: awesome and unimaginable quantum leaps
WHO SHOULD PARTICIPATE: Everyone invited and All Welcome! – This is for YOU – if you are interested in achieving more happiness and loving in your life and in the lives of people you care about.
SUPPORT: There will be regular TIPS and STORIES and TOOLS and ENERGISER BUDDIES to keep you on track and encouraging you throughout the 30 DAYS. Many exciting updates will be regularly posted to help you with challenges and struggles as well as reminders to celebrate along the way.
PLEASE NOTE: It is energizing to be participating in a project like this with a community of like-minded people working with similar goals even if the community is a virtual one. There will be regular inputs of support at various stages of the 30 days. Taking that into account it is also OK for people to jump in and come on board throughout the month.
I bought a new book today (one of my regular indulgences!) – Love That Works by Wendy Strgar and I was flicking through it savouring tidbits and was riveted by a question she asked: What if today was the last day to talk with someone you love♥ – You know those bits in books that captivate us and take us straight to the check out counter…well it was one of those moments…
What if today was the last day to talk with someone you love♥ How impactful! She goes on to say – “I could just kick myself for the time that I wasted on petty, small arguments, impatience over minor incidents, and all the other dozens of ways that we give away our most precious gift – the time we are given to love one another”
I am so happy that you are reading this as I know you are the sort of person that cares about having a positive and caring and loving impact on people and “the time we are given to love one another” and are willing to be intentional about learning how to improve the ways you do that. The daily challenge for us all in our busy and full lives is to not become neglectful and inattentive especially to our loved ones.
And how wonderful we do have options other than regret and kicking ourselves. My vision is that the 30 DAY BEING-LOVE CAMPAIGN will sharpen and refine our skills and resources into us becoming better in our giving LOVE day by day…..which in turn makes us more and more JOY-Full and JOY-filled Human Beans who feel more LOVED…..so we then have much more to give from an overflowing abundant place…
So here are some wise SARK words to support you getting started: – Being WILLING is a microMOVEment– Saying YES is a beginning! …..WILLINGNESS and saying YES are the most crucial things to make dreams happen and for making changes in your life……Saying more YES-ES means more YES ENERGY!! Yay! …
Know that your caring about and loving others makes a difference and matters more than you think…..and we all have enough time to be more loving!…….
Gratefully and expectantly, Susie xx
SAY A BIG YES!! and REGISTER NOW at: http://susiesheartpathblog.wordpress.com/2011/05/16/the-30-day-being-love-darechallengedream/
We are recruiting CAMPAIGN SUPPORTERS for Local Communities and ALL offers to get this project out there and MOVE-ing will be gladly and happily and most gratefully accepted…..
Pay it forward – Spread the word to help Love grow!
“Unless someone like you cares a whole lot. Nothing is going to get better, it’s not.” Dr Seuss, The Lorax
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter” Martin Luther King Jnr
To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead.
Bertrand Russell
“This is my simple religion.There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.”- Dalai Lama.
HI Susie HI Shelton~
Margot from Vancouver here. My little green “Hailstormer/Rhinoceros’ toy that you gave me at the workshop on Cortes Island a few years back is here, too is case you are wondering.
Susie ~ trust you to courageously put out a 30 day being-love campaign to the universe. You got me.
The person (target!) is the guy I live with
The specific deliverable is to mirror, validate and empathize with him about anything at least once a day ~ as a way of being-love for him (our secret). Is that big enough I wonder♥
And, I will invite him to your workshop in June in Seattle. We did do an Imago couples workshop in Vancouver last year, just so you know.
Thank you for keeping me in your loving, ever-expanding loop.
Hi Margot,
First one to sign up from Vancouver! Woo Hoo! Welcome!
Wonderful to hear from you and that you are keeping on using the TOOLS! Fantastic!
Sounds like a great task you are taking on for your guy. Wondering about whether it is big enough…….♥
What I’ve found is once I say yes and commit to doing ‘whatever’, it creates all sorts of other ripples that I never expected…
I imagine that will happen for all participating – Doing the 30 days of BE-ing LOVE will take them to places they would not have imagined….Even if it was something as simple as every time I see ‘the other’ I will smile at them it is committing to an act of love and caring.
Thank you for being an active member in our “loving, ever-expanding loop”
It would be great to welcome you to the workshop and I look forward to further meeting you online. Please come visit our new Institute for Relationship Development Facebook page – and sign up that ‘you are attending’ (click on events & yes I am attending) so we can have the pics of the whole Heroine/Hero Group. http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Institute-for-Relationship-Development/174834319240247♥sk=wall
I appreciate your acknowledgement Margot.
Love Susie xx
I commit to the 30 Day Being Love Campaign and choose Lee. Each day I will express my love for him, either by a post-it note in some random location, via an e-card, a special hug, a back massage, an old fashioned letter or other delectable ideas I have yet to think of.
At least once a week, I will ask Lee to share something that is important to him or experience something that is important to him, whether a new gadget, website or a possible home, go to a computer or baja shop, and listen to him explain all about it in wonder and I will remain present and active.
I also commit to sending a hand drawn card once a week over the month to a friend whom I have not been in touch with recently.
Bring it on 🙂
How wonderful for Lee that you choose him to shower your special style of adoring loving. All the specific things you have chosen are so hitting the target for Lee – you are really entering his world and really thinking about his Love Language and choosing things that matter to him – You say – “….listen to him explain all about it in wonder and I will remain present and active”…How validating that will feel for him and what a stretch for you! I admire your strong loving and intentionality.
You have always been such a good friend to many so whoever you choose to “send a hand drawn card once a week over the month” will treasure it and feel special.
I love you with a very full heart, your admiring and adoring Mummy xxxx
I commit to the 30 Day Being Love Campaign and choose my Darling Freea. I will express to Freea every single day in one way how special she is to me, be it by saying it, email, e-card, old fashioned real paper card(but not many of them cause I like trees!) or some other unthought of amazing way!
On Top of all that Iwill also take Freea on a bush walk to her favourite places once a weekend and during the week will also go on one walk before or after work even when it is really cold!
I am even going to start the whole 30 Day Love Campaign one day early by expressing how much I really love Freea for how much of a caring and compassionate person she is.
I Love you Freea!!!
Hi LOVING and LIVELY Lee! WooHOOooooooooooooo as you would say! Sounds wonderful! Your energy is bubbling with LOVE all over the page. Freea will feel so nourished and seen as you focus on doing and giving what is important to her – especially when it is a stretch for you. I want to acknowledge and admire you for jumping on board and doing this Campaign for being one of the very small number of guys who have committed, for being the youngest guy to commit and for being willing to do something that is not the normal-sort-of-guy-thing that your mates and 99% of guys your age or from your occupation would be doing…….not to mention how loved Freea will feel from you focusing on her. And I love how you LOVE Freea! You’re one of a kind! WooHoo again! Love you, Susie xx
It’s working already – I feel very loved and Lee took out the time to do this even when he only just received his very new mobile, a Samsung Galaxy S2!! WOW, now that’s special!! 🙂
Wow – that sure is loving and sure is SPECIAL! Knowing how excited Lee would be about his latest new electronic ‘gadget’…. What a huge STRETCH! Thanks for sharing how the impact has been for you already – it’s inspiring and it adds to my energy in preparing to start my 30 days of LOVING for my sisters – my BLC as I’m calling it!! To me that stands for my BEING-LOVE CAMPAIGN as well as my BEING-LOVE COMMUNITY as we are all in this together. Lee LOVING you and you sharing about how LOVED you feel makes me feel more LOVED…..and then energizes and inspires and reminds me to be more LOVING….ripples of LOVE :O) xx
I am choosing to be aware and present in the moments with my precious daughters and son, to accept them as they are, to accept where and how they choose to live. I am choosing to give up resisting their choices and celebrate their freedom, uniqueness and beautiful spirits.
I am in love with the 30-day-being-love-campaign and how it is inspiring me to shower my honey Steve with love at least once every day with kind words and reasons I love him and appreciate his presence in my life! This is done via phone and email when we are apart, and when in person strengthened by our physical presence together, expanding and growing my creative expressions of love for him and us. I am celebrating our current freedom from location and playing with Steve in the waves of opportunity and synchronicity. Aho!
I commit to the 30 Day Being Love Campaign and choose Gaurav. Each day I will express my love for him, either by a post-it note in some random location, via an e-card, a special hug, a shoulder massage, an old fashioned letter or other luscious ways I have yet to think of.
I commit to noticing when I am grumpy and reminding myself to be, speak and respond in a loving way to Gaurav.
I commit to arranging and luxuriating in a special evening with Gaurav at least once during the month of June.
I commit to being kind and gentle to myself while I am growing how I can communicate how much I deeply love, appreciate and cherish my darling Gaurav
Saw Hedy Schleifer, Crossing the Bridge, again. What a wonderful experience and inspiration. What a great tool!