♥ DAILY LOVE TIP – Tuesday July 19, 2011
Following on from the ♥TIPS from the last two days RE-FRAMING negative self talk is what today’s topic started out as……but just thinking about and reflecting on it……. it has expanded and grown inside me like the proverbial __________ can’t remember what the metaphor is…..I think of things that grow quickly and all I can come up with is zucchini LOL!! I’m sure someone will be able to fill in the blank for me….Anyways…..!!
What has been ‘tugging’ and shaping in me for some time is the idea of sharing from my ♥WIB Part….What is my ♥WIB Part you probably are wondering? My ♥WIB Part is my Bear GEM – my WISE INNER BEAR! GEM is a Bear with a Big ♥Heart and a Big Brain unlike Pooh who is a bear with a Little Brain –
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words Bother me.” ~Winnie the Pooh.
In fact GEM is a Bear who loves words – both Long and Short words and in fact one of his favourite books is the Thesaurus. Isn’t bother a good word……. as an aside?
Many do know GEM already but for those of you who haven’t had the pleasure of being introduced: Tah Dahhhhhh!! –
And GEM’s Best Friend and Buddy is Sophie my Inner Child doll. They go everywhere with us when we travel and pop up in the most surprising places and GEM even has his own passport and lots of stories to tell and is writing his own AMAZING AWESOME ADVENTURES book!!
I need to name right up front that many other Parts of me – especially the respected professional counsellor/psychotherapist/educator voices are feeling quite anxious at what I am exposing here!! People will think__________________ fill in the blank with all sorts of judgements about me….is what these voices are saying. The loudest thing they are saying is that people will think I am stupid! and silly! and immature and certainly not someone who they can respect and who has credibility around important and significant psychological and relationship & LIFE matters.
Then GEM says well remember Susie you are 61 years old now and remember that workshop you went to with Joan Borysenko – www.joanborysenko.com – last year at the Women of Wisdom conference – www.womenofwisdom.org – in Seattle about ‘Developing Resilience in Times of Change”. She told us that she doesn’t mind much what other people thinks as she is over 60 and so she can do and say whatever she pleases……So says GEM so can we! That’s one thing GEM does – he remembers important things and reminds me of them when I forget! Joan also said don’t wait till you get to 60!
So BE WHO YOU ARE is the message loud and clear! “Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate version of someone else”……. …..there is NO ONE alive who is YOUER than ♥YOU! Thanks again Judy G and Dr Suess.
So connecting with GEM is when I feel:
The most ALIVE
The most playful and FUN to be around
The most energized and energetic and in fact ‘bouncy’
The most spontaneous and daring and adventurous
The happiest – “Happy for no reason” – thanks Marci Shimoff –www.happyfornoreason.com and “Glad no matter what” – thanks SARK –www.planetsark.com
The most outgoing and friendly and forthcoming
The most creative and curious and imaginative
So connected to being the 3 G’s – Generous, Grateful and Gracious
The most ♥LOVE-ing, ♥LOVE-able and ♥LOVE-d
The most ♥nourishing and nurturing
The most inspired and inspiring
The wisest and smartest of all
And more, but that’s enough for starters
Let me also introduce you to a powerful concept of ♥PERMISSION SLIPS that come from a remarkable and beautiful Being who I consider a Teacher and a Mentor in my Life – SARK.
She inspires my thinking and my writing….especially having just finished an 8 week Dare to Dream course with her and just beginning a new one – WINS – Write It NOW with SARK….By the way I do highly recommend SARK’s work and courses and encourage you to sign up for anything that is going and/or read any of her wonderful books and resources on her website – www.planetsark.com They are LIFE expanding! And that’s another blog post……..
And BIG THANKS to a wonderful blog – http://theredboa.blogspot.com/ I ‘stumbled upon’ today for the reminder about and for the link to a favourite song of mine ‘Permission To Shine’ by Bachelor Girl that has been made even better by the graphics and animation that an amazingly creative Being has added to it……Singing……
And Tah Dahhhhhh again – big claps for Me for posting the first video on my Blog – it is so wonderful and amazing learning all these new tricks! You would not believe how excited I get and how much Shelton and I celebrate together when we do something new like this…..we do a little celebrating dance with HIGH 5’s – YaY!!!!! We ALL have Permission to Shine for all sorts of things……..!
♥Mirroring Topics: Re-framing; Permission
SARK – www.planetsark.com
Marci Shimoff – www.happyfornoreason.com
Women of Wisdom –www.womenofwisdom.org
Joan Borysenko – www.joanborysenko.com
allowing and welcoming all Parts of ME….. LOVE Susie♥….
Awesome post!!! i’m saving it for future reference!
Great idea Anne, LOVE Susie♥