DAILY LOVE TIP – Tuesday September 20, 2011

Dear ♥Friends,

I am struggling at the moment with many things contributing to me feeling overloaded, overwhelmed and stressed. I am choosing to be authentic about this with you as my usual way is to keep it to myself and look strong and like I’m on top of things.  How’s this for  a great image – a mountain of things to do!! 

There’s a lot going on for me right now. I have mentioned before on the blog that I am having my office expanded and renovated which has meant that everything has had to be taken out of it and is packed in boxes in various piles here and there up the passage and throughout the house while my temporary desk and workstation is in Shelton’s crowded office – which has been for 6 weeks now as our builder can only work on the weekends at the moment for a variety of reasons. It is so difficult not being able to find and access things and working in a restricted space for so long. Thinking about it though travelling and working in many temporary settings often over the last 10 years has been a good preparation/training ground for me which has meant I have probably been able to tolerate it a lot longer…..

Now even starting to share what is going on for me I hear a voice saying in my head people don’t really want to hear all the nitty-gritty about what is going on for me as everyone is so busy with so much (and more important things) to deal with themselves………….

So I’m will spare you the rest of the details of the other things that are stressing me but just mention that my daughter Zoe’s wedding in 2 weeks at home here at Warm Fuzzy Hill and  major landscaping projects in the garden, a phone that isn’t working properly with an intermittent high-pitched sound on it and keeping our website, e-newsletter, our business Facebook page and our scheduling and marketing up to date are the most demanding of a very long list……and then on top of everything else is writing my daily blog which is a commitment I made to myself…….

I teach STRESS is a formula where there is too many stimuli for the resources there are to deal with them. So to reduce/eliminate our stress we can either INCREASE THE RESOURCES or DECREASE/ELIMINATE STIMULI or the things coming in/things needing your attention.

A REQUEST: One of the most important things I need in sharing this with you is to get some FEEDBACK of the importance to you of reading this blog because one of the SIMU‘s – Story I Make Up –

my SIMU – “Story I Make Up”

is that it doesn’t make all that much difference to very many people whether I do it or not. Remember SIMU is one of the  TOOLS from our  TOOLBOX.

The only way I can gauge that is to get some feedback from You that it does matter to you and you value me doing it! If you would be willing to take a few moments to let me know in the Comments whether you do value reading the blog and if you do  please say what you do value most about it as I would appreciate that as well. That helps me to choose what to focus on. So that is my request of you today. 

If I had the time to work out how to do a poll I would do that. Maybe some of you other bloggers who know how to do  a poll could point me to what to do……

Question for you and ♥MIRRORING TOPIC: what stresses you the most♥ What are you doing to reduce your stress and what do you need from those in relationship to you to do to support you♥

Todays’ Addition to my list of My ♥favourite things…..my first-born daughter ♥Zoe.  Happiest of Happy Birthdays gorgeous One…….  35 years ago today I became a Mother. A very precious and special little girl was born who opened my heart and filled it with a LOVE and feelings that nothing else before had ever touched.

To read more about how highly I value the gift of being a mother and the gift of my daughters see my post – 7th May 2011 – A Tribute to Motherhood – being a parent is one of the most important jobs you do. It lasts a lifetime!

♥Zoe is outstanding in many ways and is a most important teacher for me. Our kids have the potential to bring up so much in us which ♥Zoe certainly has! I’ll share more of our story another day…..

respectfully and expectantly, ♥LOVE from a grateful and already less stressed Susie.