♥ DAILY LOVE TIP – Tuesday September 20, 2011
Dear ♥Friends,
I am struggling at the moment with many things contributing to me feeling overloaded, overwhelmed and stressed. I am choosing to be authentic about this with you as my usual way is to keep it to myself and look strong and like I’m on top of things. How’s this for a great image – a mountain of things to do!!
There’s a lot going on for me right now. I have mentioned before on the blog that I am having my office expanded and renovated which has meant that everything has had to be taken out of it and is packed in boxes in various piles here and there up the passage and throughout the house while my temporary desk and workstation is in Shelton’s crowded office – which has been for 6 weeks now as our builder can only work on the weekends at the moment for a variety of reasons. It is so difficult not being able to find and access things and working in a restricted space for so long. Thinking about it though travelling and working in many temporary settings often over the last 10 years has been a good preparation/training ground for me which has meant I have probably been able to tolerate it a lot longer…..
Now even starting to share what is going on for me I hear a voice saying in my head people don’t really want to hear all the nitty-gritty about what is going on for me as everyone is so busy with so much (and more important things) to deal with themselves………….
So I’m will spare you the rest of the details of the other things that are stressing me but just mention that my daughter Zoe’s wedding in 2 weeks at home here at Warm Fuzzy Hill and major landscaping projects in the garden, a phone that isn’t working properly with an intermittent high-pitched sound on it and keeping our website, e-newsletter, our business Facebook page and our scheduling and marketing up to date are the most demanding of a very long list……and then on top of everything else is writing my daily blog which is a commitment I made to myself…….
I teach STRESS is a formula where there is too many stimuli for the resources there are to deal with them. So to reduce/eliminate our stress we can either INCREASE THE RESOURCES or DECREASE/ELIMINATE STIMULI or the things coming in/things needing your attention.
A REQUEST: One of the most important things I need in sharing this with you is to get some FEEDBACK of the importance to you of reading this blog because one of the SIMU‘s – Story I Make Up –
is that it doesn’t make all that much difference to very many people whether I do it or not. Remember SIMU is one of the ♥TOOLS from our ♥TOOLBOX.
The only way I can gauge that is to get some feedback from You that it does matter to you and you value me doing it! If you would be willing to take a few moments to let me know in the Comments whether you do value reading the blog and if you do please say what you do value most about it as I would appreciate that as well. That helps me to choose what to focus on. So that is my request of you today.
If I had the time to work out how to do a poll I would do that. Maybe some of you other bloggers who know how to do a poll could point me to what to do……
Question for you and ♥MIRRORING TOPIC: what stresses you the most♥ What are you doing to reduce your stress and what do you need from those in relationship to you to do to support you♥
Todays’ Addition to my list of My ♥favourite things…..my first-born daughter ♥Zoe. Happiest of Happy Birthdays gorgeous One……. 35 years ago today I became a Mother. A very precious and special little girl was born who opened my heart and filled it with a ♥LOVE and feelings that nothing else before had ever touched.
To read more about how highly I value the gift of being a mother and the gift of my daughters see my post – 7th May 2011 – A Tribute to Motherhood – being a parent is one of the most important jobs you do. It lasts a lifetime!
♥Zoe is outstanding in many ways and is a most important teacher for me. Our kids have the potential to bring up so much in us which ♥Zoe certainly has! I’ll share more of our story another day…..
respectfully and expectantly, ♥LOVE from a grateful and already less stressed Susie.
HI Susie, I love your blogs though I don’t mind if you choose to write them in a way that is sustainable to you ie every second day or once a week! I especially loved the post about the reasons not to divorce. I also love when you are honest – thanks for telling the truth about how things are for you! Love you Susie you are great!!
Wow Jodie, that was quick!! Thank you! Up late too, hey:O) I appreciate your speedy response. ♥LOVE Susie.
I so appreciate your posts and your honest practical way of showing us how to love more and be present to our relationships. I know you have committed to write regularly and I honor your commitment, at the same time I think if you need to lighten the load, perhaps you could write a little less (for yourself). I think for the next two weeks all the technical social media stuff can be put on semi hold. You are building your audience and we know you are here. Let us know you are taking a bit of a break till after the wedding, touch base in between and I doubt you will lose any of your audience. I enjoy reading what you write and a part of me can’t wait till I am in an intimate relationship so that I can use these tools even more. yes, I know they can be used in any relationship…I guess reading your posts also gives me the hope that I can have a healthy, loving fully present relationship with love as the mirror.
♥Hello dear Stephanie,
Oh I am so mad!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! I spent half an hour responding to your comment and when I hit Reply it disappeared!! And I didn’t save it!! I ask myself how many times do I have to have this happen before I LEARN to SAVE SAVE SAVE everything as I go along!!!!!! It so frustrating! Anyway after that BIG GRRRRRR!! and grumble and set back – my comment to YOU –
It is such a pleasure to hear from you. I have missed you and haven’t known that you are there reading. I do appreciate you being there. I value you coming into my life at the time when I started to take my daily writing seriously and your support in my doing that…..and that you know what is involved in that commitment.
I respect and appreciate the work you do and the commitment you make to your blog and Face book page. I see you as a person of consistency and presence and authenticity and you influence me to be more of those qualities.
Thanks for your suggestions……I am considering them all…
Wow! I do honour the amazing Gift of YOU that you offer to your future partner. I’ll hold the vision of you in a “healthy, loving, fully present relationship with love as the mirror ” with the partner of your dreams. Much ♥LOVE, Susie.
Hello Susie, your blogs make a very big difference to us. They are something we look forward to on our healing journey. Your comments invite discussion between us, helping us to see ‘outside the square’. They are a gentle, constant reminder of just what we can achieve and how to do it in the best way for both of us. Since discovering you and your work, there has not been a post I have not perused in detail, making notes and bringing up salient points for joint discussion. I have also read many of your past blogs too. Our days would not be as inventive, fun, filled with hugs, couched in wisdom, bring us to tears and laughter, if we did not have “Susie’s Blog”. Many of us out there in Webland may not always comment – but we are here and we need you. Thank you for what you are doing to our wonderful world.
Dear Deborah♥ and ♥Peter too,
Thank You♥. The thought of my blog contributing to making it that – ‘Our days would not be as inventive, fun, filled with hugs, couched in wisdom, bring us to tears and laughter, if we did not have “Susie’s Blog” ‘….warms and fills my heart. I so value the healing journey you folks have chosen…..that you haven’t let the challenges you are facing close down your hearts to your precious♥ LOVE for each other. And Deborah hearing from you always gives me a virtual opportunity to imagine I am walking around the wonderful Brisbane riverside with you…give those homeless guys a big Smile from me too hey. Much LOVE and gratitude Susie♥.
♥LOVE Susie
Hi Susie
Looking froward to seeing you soon (and the landscaping!)
Just to let you know I generally always read your blog as i eat my porridge early in the morning
I generally check my emails and there you are, i dont have to click to other areas, its not too lengthy, I get to see some beatiful photos, quotes & inspiration (which are some of my favourite things) and have something to think about while getting ready for work, Im becoming a lover of routine after many years of not having or wanting one. I dont normally respond due to time, I also spend a lot of my day in front of a computer working now and dont like doing more when I come home. One of the gifts of your blog is being a part of Rebeccas unfolding in way i wouldnt normally experience, what an absolute treasure of mine she is (Bec is very high on my list of favorites) I did respond to that blog but personally to Bec. I also reuse an occasional picture/quote and send on to Brea, in a sense you are one of the pivots between the three of us (pivots are very important). So YES, your blog does matter to me, YOU are important to me, I value most the photos, quotes & inspiration, so all of it! And ALL of YOU, Love you and see you soon, Hilary
Morning Susie,
Ditto Ditto Ditto to everything everyone else has said.
Your blogs are like an anchor for me. A few little wise words of wisdom to keep me on track – some days the words are more relevant than others, but each post reminds me that there is someone out there that gives a damn about my relationship as much as I do. In today’s society where divorce has become almost socially acceptable too many people too quickly suggest giving up the moment the going gets tough. Not you. You hang in there with us, you look for the positive, offer words of encouragement & support, remind me of a tool so I can do things better.
I have to agree that TIME is my biggest enemy, I read the blog & often think about it for hours after while I go about life. Your blog today has reminded me that so often we get caught up in life we forget to tell those that are important to us that they are important to us – we just kind of assume that they know…………………………. YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO US SUSIE.
Love & best wishes , Gaelia.
PS Daughters weddings are definitely in the list of things that would allow Susie to cut herself some slack & not blog as often. XXXX
Hello dear ♥Gaelia,
It’s a privilege to support you and your marriage and to be ‘an anchor’ for you. And yes I do care a lot about your relationship and supporting you to stay ♥LOVE-ing and ♥LOVE-d. I so value your continuing commitment to yourself and making your marriage the best it can be and not just taking ‘the easy way out’….I also like that you reach out and take in and experiment with what I offer…..
It warms my heart that I am important to you. Thanks for caring and for taking some of your precious TIME and answering my request. ♥LOVE, ♥HUGS and gratitude, Susie.
Susie, thank you for your posts…I do read as much of everyone as I possibly can…given the overwhelm in my own world 🙂 I tuck them away in their own special folder for future reference, print off pertinent verses to adorn my inspirational toilet wall and value all you are doing. Thank goodness someone is so ably pushing the barrow, one day your voice won’t be so alone in the wilderness, I am sure of that.
Blessings on you, Julia xx
Hello Lovely ♥One, Thanks for sharing ♥Julia,….you who ‘push the barrow’ of many other important ‘causes’…..you who commit to making things happen…Thanks for stopping by and caring and for being there …..I like your future vision of my “voice won’t be so alone in the wilderness”……I’ll post that somewhere on my inspirational wall :O)
Blessings back to you and may all ♥LOVE surround and nourish you, Susie♥
Hi Susie,
I appreciate your blog arriving in my mailbox. When the topic appeals, i read it thoroughly, particularly anything to do with improving marriage and relationships. The daily tips are great as a reminder that every day is another chance to connect and show our love not only to our loved ones but also to ourselves. Since we have stopped our sessions with you I feel that our work continues on through the blog. It is your virtual presence reminding, advising, offering tools and hints on how to lead a more conscious ‘alive’ LIFE. Thank you for that. It would be fine to receive a blog every few days rather than daily, maybe even weekly. People are busy and it is hard to read the blog every day. You could canvas the audience for topics/questions that people want addressed. I also think it is a good idea to take ‘timeout’ as someone suggested so you can immerse yourself in Zoe’s wedding. You want to be fully present for her.
With love…nicki
Hi Susie,
From one very busy person (running my own business) to another (you), I would like you to know that I appreciate very much your blogs and I not only get a lot from most of them, I also send on ones pertinent to clients of mine and to friends and my daughter. I have, however, wondered just how you find the time and if you were a client of mine (you know I specialise in stress) I would suggest you do a weekly blog to give you more time to focus on your busy life and to have fun. I ideate about being a writer, inspiring people and even started my own blog which I composed regularly in, but it has been a few months in between and I know it is always there and nothing depends on it, and because it is something inside of me that sometimes needs to get out of me, I enjoy doing it when I can. Hope this helps. The main thing I wanted you to get from my comment is that I do learn something from you each time I read your blog and appreciate you very much. Congratulations to Zoe and the best of everything to her and her partner in life. Much love.
Chris G’Froerer
Hi Susie, we love your blog – particularly the reminders of the tools, and the message to enjoy each other and the lovely learning curve we are on! Any semi-regular blog from you would be welcomed….take it easy. Love Sam and Nic
The ABC’s of why I love Susie’s blog:
The blog is always very Apt – no matter what is going on;
Beautifully written;
provides Connection even when we haven’t spoeken for a while I can read your blog and feel like I know a little of what is going on for you and Shelton;
Daring – I love it when you speak your mind on important topics like affairs and divorce;
Fun and reminds us to have fun as well;
Gutsy – this one is two fold – the effort required to do it every day shows your determination and the content you choose;
Kind and
Loving – your love for people and for what you do spills forth from every word;
Meaningful and Motivational
Positive always great way to start the day.
Real you share what is going on for you
Sensitive and
Thoughtful about the issues that really challenge many of us daily
Utopian – challenging us to stretch out of our current realities into something beyond our wildest dreams
Vivid with creativity, imagination and colour
Xray vision into your heart.
OK so I didn’t quite get there but for someone who doesn’t play scrabble or do cross words it was a real stretch!!! I think you get from this how much I love your blog and how important it is to me but as I left you at the airport last wednesday, after the huge amount of love that you and Shelton had left here in Brisbane, I was wondering how you keep it all up and sending you prayers for looking after you. I understand the huge commitment the daily blog is and whilst we will miss you we will all survive if you choose to reduce that commitment. I look forward to the blog where you share with us how you dealt with the harshest critic – yourself around your decision to focus your energy elsewhere for a while.
With bucket loads of love
Catriona xx
Hi Susie,
Your reminders to us all of the small, yet very important things we can do that make such a positive impact on our relationships, are wonderful. Having said that, I believe we can only “effectively” teach what we have learned.
The most important thing in your life is to treat yourself gently and to work out a schedule that places you at the top of the list (which is self love!).
Then you get to be that in the World and we can learn that from you.
With Love Jill xoxo
Hi Susie, I enjoy reading your blogs and have learnt much from them however you are human and stressed. You must enjoy writing your blog and it must fit into your life seamlessly. Give yourself a break we all understand if you want to cut it back to what suits you. Devote yourself to your family and wedding we will all be here when you have more time.
Much love Jude
Hi Susie, I have been exhausted & stressed for quite some time. I don’t always get to my emails as often at the moment, but I always save & savour yours as an inspiration & for encouragement. With love, Annie xx
Knowing that my blog inspires and encourages you dear ♥Annie is a gift for me….it’s one of the things that I love about the blog.
I also especially appreciate that even though you “have been exhausted & stressed for quite some time” you do often make contact and write a comment.
You are a woman with such a caring and generous heart. Take care and I’ll imagine you luxuriating, relaxed and indulged at that spa you shared about going to recently…..Love ♥Susie….