♥LOVE TIP – Friday June 15th, 2012
Hello Special Ones♥
Such a beautiful Winter’s day today…..a sunny day after the heavy fierce storms…a day perfect for doing what I needed most…..just getting away……away from all the responsibilities…….all the demands……Just Being…….Life has felt so full on that I just had to…..Just had ‘to escape’ out into our bush for a reviving looooooong walk…..♥Shelton and I together out in Nature…….breathing in the healing and alive energy of Mother Earth…….. so still and quiet yet the song of the creek and the birds serenading us….the air so refreshing and sweet……so rejuvenating……the amazing smell of the bush, of the eucalypts and wattles after the rain……lush growth and abundance all around…..Nature ever the transformer! So grateful….
Do you have days when you just have to get away♥………
Walking, walking, walking….. following the creek…..ending up at The Falls in John Forrest National Park which were surging forth and gushing after our recent heavy winter rains…..
Just take a moment will you and zoom in on this picture…..What do you see♥ Says one of my dear BB’s [Blogging Buddies] ♥Susan Lobb-Porter:
Look. Look look LOOK around you.
“How to narrow my focus down to a piece of the whole, And expand my world in the doing. How to find elements of design and beauty in what others would pass off as mundane……….”
♥Susan sweetums [who regularly nourishes and inspires me] wrote a post on Tuesday on her blog Oo La la! Living the Arty Life called On Seeing about her art teacher ♥Marion who taught her how to see…..She taught her to look for:
“The quality of a line. Or light. The indefinable something that sets one square inch off against another……”
Since then everywhere I am looking I am seeing through different eyes. I am normally one who does see “beauty in what others would pass off as mundane……….” yet since ♥Susan’s post it’s like she’s there on the walk with me saying “Look at this…….,”….. “Hey, what about over here…….”…… Out in an environment like the bush I am bombarded with line, colour, texture, depth, contrast, design, beauty………oh my gosh, how many colours of green or brown are there in the bush♥♥………… Look at the shades of brown in the rocks at the Falls… the texture and the treasures in this rock pool….
……..and YES you guessed it! Play we did……..ALL sorts of things!….. And here’s ♥Sheltini making a rock pile as a ♥Random Act of Art, LOVE & Kindness……
Don’t you just love a man who joins in and humours your ‘quirky’ endeavours!!!
‘Seeing with new eyes’ is a ♥TOOL/concept we teach in our relationship work. Looking at ‘the other’ through the eyes of ♥LOVE….being a ♥LOVE-Finder instead of a Fault-Finder. Looking with a different focus, through different filters/lens which will “expand my world in the doing….”
Questions for you: Where do you go to rejuvenate♥ What do you do♥ What or who do you need to spend some time seeing with new eyes♥
♥MIRRORING TOPIC: Share with someone what touches or stands out for you in this post. ♥MIRROR each other for a minimum of 5 minutes your answers to the above questions.
There’s also lots of memories out here in the bush for me…….Winter was the main time we had family picnics and adventures up in the Hills when we were kids. We had much fun…….being ‘let loose’ in the bush to play…….climbing rocks, paddling in the creeks……..walking for hours on the miles and miles of the Mundaring Weir water pipes…..what fun and freedom we had back then when it was safe to let young children go off alone and play and explore in the bush….
And by the way – WooHoo! – I celebrate me as it is ♥Day 89 of my ♥90 Day Walking Project!! I am thrilled!
AND how amazing it is! We were marveling that we had this whole magical place to ourselves – such a beautiful environment in other parts of the world would have heaps of tourists. It is the John Forrest National Park after all! Yay for Perth being an ‘isolated city’!! ♥♥
And one final Gift for me to cherish. It is remarkable how a simple act can cause such feelings of ♥LOVE…… on our return walk dear ♥Shelton had gone on ahead of me on the track and left me this message……..
[♥BIG NOTE here to all the men reading – I have found generally women feel very touched and ♥LOVE-d by heartfelt handmade gifts such as this message ♥Shelton left me – especially when given ‘just because……’ Is that true for you women♥ Do you agree♥]
Hope you are getting out into Nature in your corner of the world and enjoying the Beauty, the Healing and the Lessons….and finding LOVE everywhere……♥LOVE Susie
♥”One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now.” ~ Paulo Coelho♥