♥ DAILY LOVE TIP – Friday September 16, 2011
Hellllloooooo! It’s ♥FuN fRiDAy again! Yay!!….What are some ♥FuN things you like to do♥ Have you noticed changes in yourself as you experiment with doing more ♥FuN things♥
Here’s a ♥FuN LiST of things to do we’ve put together – send in your ideas so we can add to the list – we want it to be a really Loooong list…..
– make faces until you or someone laughs
– tell a joke a day or go through reading a book of jokes with someone else
– exchange clothes with someone or wear clothes that are fun or ‘out of the ordinary’ for you
– wear clothes that are colours that are not your usual style
– have a meal with someone and feed each other – either at home or in a cafe
– have fun making up a Treasure Hunt for someone with clues for them to follow and treasures to discover and have fun watching them do it
– have a meal without using your hands while you are eating it
– watch a favourite comedy or comedian or go see a funny stage play or act
– do a finger painting or a painting using your bare feet
– walk backwards for a period of time or crawl or jump or hop
– climb a tree
– make a fort or a castle or a tree-house or tunnels or all of them
– build sand-castles at the beach
– play a game of chasey
– impersonations, masks, or dress up in old clothes 
– name that tune by touch
– tickle without touching
– make up stories with someone else
– body painting (edible maybe)
– wrestling
– play charades
– play in some mud or puddles
– dancing – before/after you go to work
– make noises or ‘raspberries’ on someone else’s body
– rolling down a grassy hill
– swinging high on a swing 
– hopscotch
– do face painting and go out somewhere that way
– hide and jump out and say Boo!
– have a really bubbly bubble bath alone or with someone
– play your favourite ball game with others
– act like your favourite animal in public
-pillow fights, paper ball fights, sock fights, water fight, thumb fight, squirt gun fight, food fight, shaving cream fight (in nude), string in can fight.
– singing & playing your favourite song(s) with friends
– dress and talk like a Pirate
– wear a Clown Nose and see if people guess it’s you
Question for you: Would you be willing to do a minimum of 3 things from the list above over the weekend and share in the comments that you are doing them and how you go♥ Sharing a photo would be great as well!!
Todays’ Addition to my list of
My ♥favourite things….. is the movie
Drop Dead Fred. Sometimes I have laughed so much watching this movie I haven’t been able to see what has been on the

screen! British comedian Rik Mayall stars as a happy, anarchic and extremely mischievous imaginary friend of a young girl named Elizabeth (Phoebe Cates) and arch nemesis of her fussy and overbearing mother Polly (Marsha Mason) whom he refers to as the “mega bitch”………..might be time to watch it for the ___time…..
There’s a beautiful piece towards the end of the movie which I love of reclaiming one’s inner child where Fred encourages Elizabeth to stand up to her mother and her husband. After screaming the “magic words” at her mother (“I’m not afraid of you!”), her mum vanishes in flames, allowing Lizzie access to her childhood bedroom, where she finds herself, as a little girl, taped to her bed. Lizzie tears the tape, releasing her young self, symbolically freeing herself from what she fears.

Remember the two things that are good to do everyday in any relationship is things that make you both
♥Laugh and to
Imagining you laughing, giggling, chuckling, chortling and with Big Smiles, happily and with Love, Susie♥
Thanks for this, Susie, and Happy Friday from Canada!
You’re welcome Cathy! I appreciate you sharing that you’re there. It’s great to hear from you in Canada – I love the sense of our blog community being around the world. I had a quick peep at your blog today and will visit again real soon. Love, Susie♥