LOVE TIP – Saturday September 1, 2012

Happy September✿ and Happy Springtime✿ for us here in the southern hemisphere – my absolutely very most favourite season♥ 🙂

What a great beginning to Spring✿ today was! A walk in the bush this morning with the lovely ♥Shelton and my beautiful daughter ♥Freea who is an Environmental Scientist and a specialist in our native bush who identified all the amazing variety of wildflowers for us. What a treat! Among many other flowers we were gifted with seeing ‘heaps’ of Donkey Orchids…… so fragile and usually very ‘shy’ flowers and not easily seen…..

I’m imagining the non-Aussies would be rapt with the variety and uniqueness of our native wildflowers. The south-west corner of Western Australia is very bio diverse with an abundance of many types of different species of wild flowers …..It is going to be a good flower season so a note to ‘the Locals’ to make sure to get out and go bush walking soon……

All this week we have been blessed with gorgeous blue skies and sunshine interspersed with late winter rains and I have been so enjoying being out in Nature being especially wowed by the wattle densely lining the bush trails we walk on….. it is so unbelievable the thickness and abundance of the flowers on the wattle trees… they are so laden with blossoms many branches are close to the ground and some even breaking. In 33 years of living in the Hills I have never seen such prolific growth….Just noting this is a different species of wattle to the one I shared about in June……we have had continuous flowering of different species of wattle one after the other….

On our way back from our walk today we dropped in to visit a friend we hadn’t seen in ages and he said how are you going…..say on a scale of 1 – 10. I instantly said 10/10 and he, even though I would view him a very positive person,  looked a bit taken aback and said that’s pretty high……I was rapt to notice that I was being completely in the moment – in the NOW! …….I didn’t take any time to think about things that aren’t working, or that are taking a fair bit of my energy, or my achy leg after our long walk, or any number of things that I could choose to make that assessment lower. I was overjoyed by my answer and my being fully present to the Joy and abundance of the moment.

Especially rapt because, as you know, I have been working very actively on being a ♥Love-Finder to replace being conditioned and being ‘wired’ as a Fault-Finder! Just as LOVE is a Decision that we make [or we don’t make] in the way that we act with one another and we make every day, every hour, every minute…… are ALL the other things we choose to focus on Decisions that we are making. I am amazed how if my head isn’t in ‘a good space’ that I could be out on either of the walks I share above and miss all the Gifts and the Beauty. Not even see it, let alone take it in! Astounding isn’t it?

What Beauty are you missing? To repeat my question of a few posts ago –

What flowers have you seen today……?

Now I know the reason a lot of you are reading these posts is because you care about your relationships and your life and the lives of the people you ♥LOVE being happy and fulfilling and you visit here for inspiration and ♥TOOLS and resources to assist you.

Well I’m going to “kick some butt” here – to quote the lovely ♥Elizabeth who is one of our regular visitors and commenters on these posts…..and state emphatically that to CHANGE you have to do actions that are out of your comfort zone,…… do actions that are UNFAMILIAR and don’t feel “just like you”,…….. actions that will feel challenging and a S-T-R-E-T-C-H  and that often make you S-Q-U-I-R-M…….And remember –

The ACTIONS you take create the RESULTS you get

The bottom line is you have to stop doing the things that get you the results you don’t want and PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE the new behaviours over and over and over……

And how do you find out which new ACTIONS you need to be doing?
Well the good news is the very people who are going to be the best informants of this are the ones closest to you.
The bad news is you won’t want to hear what they have to say:
– you will argue with them and attack and criticize them for telling you, and
– usually you will actually “kill the messenger” and reject them in some form or another.

♥LOVE, compassion, kindness, generosity, cherishment, gratitude, happiness, JoY, positivity……are all Decisions, all Choices!

I see choosing to become proficient in any of these in much the same way as learning to speak a new language – French, Chinese  Japanese, Russian…….whatever….you need to train in it and the way to become fluent is to immerse yourself in it and to turn off hearing ‘your native tongue’ until the new language becomes ‘second nature’ to you. Until the point at which you don’t even need to translate but are thinking in the new language.

So what am I meaning about “kicking butt”? I mean I have not heard very many of you stating new actions you are putting in place, or sharing about successes you have had, or of blocks that might have come up for you. Have you heard me say before – awareness is only the first step? If you don’t put your awareness into ACTION and PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE the new behaviours over and over and over……you life won’t change – you’ll just die more aware!

I choose ♥LOVE and relationships and kindness. What do you choose?

♥LOVE this by Bryant McGill ~ Life is a Practice. You are what you do each day” 

What are you saying YES to….?

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit” ~ Aristotle

I recommend the process of people setting an Intention. An example is the lovely ♥Shawn setting an intention for a ♥LOVE FILLED weekend♥ 🙂 Naming your intention and putting it out is a powerful way to bring energy to it and for others to support you staying accountable. It invites others to see/visualize it happening for you and sending positive energy to it♥

EXERCISE: My offer to you all is to name one new thing you will do as a practice to bring more ♥LOVE into your life everyday for the next month. Spring is traditionally the time for cleaning and clearing out the old to make space for the new growth. State it below in the comments so we can all infuse it with positivity.

Here’s to clearing all that no longer serves you,

LOVE and Blessings, Susie