DAILY LOVE TIPWednesday July 27, 2011

Thanks Scott for the reminder of the beauty of the St Francis of Assisi Prayer.

♥Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi – Mother Teresa’s Version

Lord, make me a channel of thy peace.
That where there is hatred I may bring love,
That where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness,
That where there is discord, I may bring harmony,
That where there is error I may bring truth,
That where there is doubt I may bring faith,
That where there is despair I may bring hope,
That where there are shadows I may bring light,
That where there is sadness I may bring joy.

Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort that to be comforted, 
To understand than to be understood,
To love than to be loved.
For it is by forgetting self that one finds.
It is by forgiving that one is forgiven,
it is by dying that one awakens to eternal life.




Passing on a message from one of our Imago colleagues from Norway in
response to the deep tragedy that struck them on Friday & shocked the world:

“I hope you and all the rest of the world have seen pictures from the
Norwegian peoples answer to this horror today: Replace hate with love, darkness
with light, coldness with warmth, evil and cruelty with caring, closeness
and togetherness, & endless flowers and lights all over the country.
Shoulders by shoulders we filled the streets with ♥love.”

It is so wonderful to think that there are so many faiths and traditions and beliefs that send the same message the world over. The messages of ♥LOVE, PEACE & LIGHT.

Let us count our blessings and resolve to learn to ♥LOVE even deeper and be inspired to create an even deeper state of Zero Negativity in our lives and all our relationships and our world.

Touched and inspired that we can create a LOVE-ing world, ♥LOVE Susie.
♥ ♥ Love Love Love ♥ ♥ ♥ Love Love Love ♥ ♥

Hear Sarah MacLachlan’s version of the Prayer of St. Francis – http://youtu.be/0VSyuar6oF8

♥”Kind words are short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”