by | Oct 3, 2012 | ♥Positive & Inspirational Quotes, DAILY LOVE TIPS, INDIA, Question for you
♥LOVE TIP – Wednesday October 3rd, 2012 Hello Friends♥ We arrived back home to glorious Springtime Warm Fuzzy Hill a few hours ago from hot sweaty tropical Kerala… beautiful is our earth and how so fortunate we are to be able to travel so easily to so many...
by | Sep 28, 2012 | ♥MIRRORING Practice, ♥Positive & Inspirational Quotes, DAILY LOVE TIPS, INDIA, Question for you
♥LOVE TIP – Friday September 28th, 2012 “Shechina refers to a way of being in the world……….there’s no real English word for it. It is the experience of waking up in the morning full of utter joy for the arrival of the day. It is a way of...
by | Sep 25, 2012 | ♥MIRRORING Practice, DAILY LOVE TIPS, INDIA, Question for you
♥LOVE TIP – Tuesday 25 September, 2012. Hello Friends♥ I’m sitting at my desk in my cottage and in front of me is a window which looks out down to the ocean …..down to the beach that is now covered with fishermen’s boats ‘parked’ along the shore…….....
by | Sep 23, 2012 | DAILY LOVE TIPS, INDIA
♥LOVE TIP – Sunday September 23, 2012 Dear Ones♥ How I wish I could transport you all here to share with us in Kerala at the beautiful Ayurvedic Retreat where we arrived late last night after travelling all day……. And what a loooooong day it was! We...
by susiesheartpathblog | Mar 19, 2012 | ♥Positive & Inspirational Quotes, ♥VALUES, DAILY LOVE TIPS, INDIA
♥LOVE TIP – Monday March 19th, 2012 Hello oh patient and loyal LOVELY ♥ONES, I am so having a challenge in getting back into the rhythm of being back home…. contributing to how few times I have posted on the blog over the last...
by susiesheartpathblog | Mar 15, 2012 | ♥Positive & Inspirational Quotes, ♥VALUES, DAILY LOVE TIPS, INDIA, Question for you
♥LOVE TIP – Thursday March 15th, 2012 Hello ♥dear FRIENDS, Sunday 11th we arrived home!! Feeling tired and well travelled and full…….. and feeling so grateful for all the richness of our experiences over the last 5 weeks….so much has...