DAILY LOVE TIP – Friday September 2, 2011

Hellllloooooo! It’s ♥FuN fRiDAy again! Yay!!….. are you having ♥FuN and being PlaYfUL♥ – Have you been to  A Teddy Bears’ Afternoon Tea Party Picnic…. yet♥ Maybe you could invite your Dad to a teddy bear’s picnic on Father’s Day this Sunday in Australia………

Having ♥FuN and PlaY in your life is not an option. It is something we all need for good health and well-being – a minimum of once every day is good…..more is better…..

Here are 3 pieces for this ♥FuN fRiDAy –

1. Check this out and receive an instant SMiLe: it’s very cute – the day she got covered in smiley face stickers :o) http://www.flickr.com/photos/jilltheblonde/3894181166/sizes/z/in/photostream/

2. I think this is hilarious … hope it gives you a LAuGh……… :O) 

3. And here’s a FuN joke (below) sent in by the lovely ♥Drew (thanks ♥Drew), husband of ♥Jodie – these guys are awesome!!….. This joke would be part of ‘collection’ they would have accumulated from a task that they took on that has transformed their marriage and inspired many as we pass their story on in our workshops.

They went home from the Getting The Love You Want Couples Workshop which they did a few years ago very determined to make their marriage the best it could possibly be and one of the tasks they took ‘seriously’ was to include having more ♥FuNPlaYfULneSS in their marriage and family….. daily doing something that makes both people LAuGh is what we teach. So what they committed to do was take it in turns each second day to tell a joke. An added bonus was that their kids took it on board as well and contributed……. Here’s the one from ♥Drew –


Many aspects of human sexuality are very puzzling, take celibacy as an example. This can be a choice in life, or a condition imposed by environmental factors.

While attending a Marriage Encounter Weekend, Tony and Sally listened to the instructor declare ‘It is essential that husbands and wives know the things that are important to each other.’

He addressed the men. ‘Can you each name and describe your wife’s favourite flower♥’

Tony leaned over, touched Sally’s arm gently and whispered,

‘Self-raising, isn’t it♥’

Thus began Tony’s life of celibacy.


Now it’s your turn for next ♥FuN fRiDAy… send them in!…….

For the month of September I propose a different slant to the Todays’ Addition to my list of My ♥favourite things…..on the even numbered days in the service of getting to know more about your partner, or anyone you choose – a friend, or one of your children, or could be the person you are focusing on for your September 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign………..

What you do for September is list a different one of their favourite things every second day on the even numbered days and on the odd numbered days continue listing yours.

So it would be todays’ Addition to my list of My partners/friends/child’s parent’s/____________(insert name) ♥favourite things…..is____________

So todays’ Addition to my list of Shelton’s ♥favourite things is……bats!! :O) He loves them!…..and Gem thought they were pretty cool too – here’s the two of them getting up to their normal antics and having a ♥FuN time at the Bat Sanctuary in Kurandah which is just out of Cairns in Queensland which is in far Northeast Australia……………tell me how could you not SMiLe looking at these cuties♥ – the bat….., Gem….. and Shelton…….

Here’s to BiG BellY LaUGhs and having ♥FuN and PlaYfULneSS all week long :O)…… ♥LOVE and LaUGhs, Susie.