♥ DAILY LOVE TIP – Friday August 19, 2011
Hellllloooooo! It’s FuN fRiDAy again! Yay!!….. and I am choosing another of ♥♥SARK’s – www.planetsark.com …posters for you to play with.
How did you go last week choosing 3 of ♥SARK instructions on her poster HOw TO Be ReAllY ALiVe! ….. did you have some FuN doing them over the weekend or through the week. What did you notice how it was for you – easy, hard, impossible…..maybe ♥JOY-full, Delight-Full, PlayFull…….maybe silly, awkward, uncomfortable, not doing that!…..noticing all there is to notice…..
So again this weekend have a go at choosing a minimum of 3 of these on the poster HOW TO REALLY ♥LOVE A CHILD below and do them – play with them……you can also get creative and come up with some personal ones that work better for you if you prefer……
You can take these instructions/tips/pointers many ways………
- Do them with ♥children you know.
- Another way is to think about the child that you were and what it was like for you growing up – did you get treated in these ways.? If you didn’t all the more important that you do these things for yourself lots and lots now, over and over……
- Another way if you have a partner is to think about what it was like for them to be a young boy or girl growing up……which one in your relationship is the more serious….., who is the more playful…….? What can you teach and model to each other?…………… …..A fond memory that I have with Shelton comes from him loving making Forts – YES! – big Shelton!….. so one time when we were staying in a hotel we had a very fun and magical time draping the blankets over the couch and chairs making the BEST Fort ever and sat in there and ate our dinner and talked for ages……..”we remember moments……”
- Or it could be with a friend or a sibling or other relative…….what can you share and learn from and inspire and encourage in each other?
Some of the list that stand out for me are:
Be there – for a child ♥LOVE is spelled T-I-M-E
♥MIRRORING TOPICS: being silly, laughing, having FuN, being ♥LOVE-d as a child….……{for a description on the ♥TOOL of mirroring see ♥DAILY LOVE TIP – Sat July 9– ♥Mirroring – giving quality attention & deep heart listening}
“we do not remember days we remember moments….” ~ Cesare Pavese
This picture so reminds me of our friend’s Alison and Graham’s daughter ♥Shelley who very delightedly danced around in the rain one day we were at their home visiting…..what stood out for me was the PERMISSION and FREEDOM she felt to express herself in that way…..no hesitation to be JOYous and jubiliant and in FULL DELIGHT!
Questions for you: Did you have parents like that? Are you that sort of parent? Do you give yourself these sorts of permissions and choices for ♥JOY and ♥DELIGHT?
Todays’ Addition to my list of My ♥favourite things…..dancing in the rain & playing hide-and-seek in the flowers & climbing trees up high, high, high up to the sky & making forts…..:O)
Delight-edly and JOY-ously……and expectantly looking forward to hearing your stories and adventures and seeing your pics, ♥LOVE Susie.