♥ DAILY LOVE TIP – Saturday July 30, 2011
from Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Eat, Pray, Love”. What a wealth of points there are in this quote……….. I am going to leave it with you to reflect and ponder on and invite you into a conversation with me/us about it so please share what gets touched in you when you read these words of Elizabeth by leaving your comments below.
What impacts you………….., touches you…………..gets stirred up in you…………., resonates with you……………..what truth is there in it for you…………………,
For me some bits that stand out are:
“……. a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back,……who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life…….
……they tear down your walls and smack you awake……..
A soul mate’s purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life………”
Reflecting and wondering and looking forward to your input, ♥LOVE Susie.
Haven’t read the book … Found movie bit self indulgent … Saving grace yummy Javier!!! Back to the quotes… Feel we are all mirrors for each other and some really rattle our cages to help us get the message… But we often continue to resist !!! When somone “gets us” and mirrors our inner beauty, then oh then … Bliss… But we can’t get caught up in it can we♥♥ My dissertation for morning… Back to the university of life.. thanks Susie.
Much to think about Susie. I love the way a soul mate can give you the look, and you know you have presented yourself falsely, and that they have seen through to your true self. I feel blessed to have that loving eye keeping me on track.
Well I am an Elizabeth Gilbert fan – loved the book (& her next) and loved the movie. It was the only time I have been Gold Class (Andrew suprised me with this treat because he knew how much I loved the book); and it was wonderful. Thank you Susie for re-connecting me with her wisdom. Very synchronistic as I had a challenging mirror held up to me last night and after doing my usual indignant ranting I swallowed hard, apologized and moved on. Tonight I will say thank you which is the missing piece.