♥LOVE TIP – Tuesday April 30, 2013.
30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign
Your ♥LOVE-ing Matters…
Your ♥LOVE-ing makes a difference
much more than you think……
Hello Friends♥
Very warm Greetings to you from Michigan where we have been for the past week with full-on re-connecting and sharing with many “old” friends as well as meeting many new ones. We are feeling so taken care of…… people’s hospitality and generosity always feels like such a huge Gift….I’ll be telling many stories about our journeys sooooon, I promise… 🙂
Today’s post however, is to invite you to join the 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign which starts WEDNESDAY MAY 1st.
Many of you have joined in the 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaigns that we offer from the Institute for Relationship Development four times each year. It is so gratifying to see these evolving from when I started in June 2011. Changing to our new website has prompted me to review and tidy up the information page and re-post it so that it is as clear as I can make it.
I encourage you to join. The Campaign is a great way to put focused attention for the month to reviewing and practising your Relationship and Communication ♥TOOLS and expanding the Zero Negativity Zone in your life. As I say below, the benefits are unimaginable quantum leaps in opening and growing both yours and your Receiver’s ♥Heart. 😀 ……..
I so value and admire what ♡Narelle wrote about her experience of participating in the last 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign. Each day she committed to sharing 5 things she was grateful for about her husband ♡Greg which she then posted on the FACEBOOK GROUP PAGE. Here’s her comments about her experience and learnings from doing this:
“I have really enjoyed writing my ‘daily gratitude to Greg’.
I have learnt how such a small daily action can have such a profound effect on how I look and think about my husband Greg. I would sit and think about all the loving things he brings to our life then this strange response happened – more and more would come into my mind each day. And as the days progressed I would be looking for things to write in my next post….. So I had become a Love Finder and had dropped the practice of being a Fault Finder.[my emphasis]
Such a simple daily 10 minutes with such powerful outcomes for me and how I feel about Greg. For when I think loving thoughts about him [or anyone] I feel really good on the inside. And I love feeling good on the inside.”
Don’t miss this opportunity! …..As ♡Narelle has shown us, committing to giving ♥LOVE daily is an excellent way to become more ♥LOVE-ing as well as feeling so gooooooood! Every micro-MOVE-ment of expanding your ♥LOVE matters!
The 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign
is about choosing either:
♥ someone who is important to you that you want to give some quality time and ♥LOVE-ing attention to
♥ someone you haven’t been taking time to nurture your relationship with and yet you would like to
be closer to them and to get to know them better…..OR
♥ someone where your relationship is strained, or there’s stress and tension or conflict or maybe even
disconnection and healing is needed….OR
♥ someone who is going through a challenging time at the moment who needs some extra support and caring – could be someone who is sick, a new Mum or new parents, someone being a carer for someone else, an elderly person, someone starting something new….the choices are endless…
♥ or you can also request for someone to focus their ♥LOVE on you
DURATION TIME: 30 days – such a short time to create more ♥LOVE in your life and the world!
Our suggestion for the MAY 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign is ♥MOTHERS
……or Mum, Mom, Mummy, Mama and all the names you call her……..
It could be your own mother, grandmothers, mother-in-law, step mother, foster mother, a mother(s) that you admire or anyone else who has had an important impact on shaping your life with their mothering – like sisters, aunties, neighbours……….
or you could focus on your own mothering qualities……
NOTE: You can also choose to do the Campaign for anyone – not just focusing on mothers. Choose from any of the options above…..
‘Mothers’ have such a tremendous impact on our lives we know that taking some dedicated time to put your attention and focus on this area of life will reap wide benefits – both yours and the women you focus on.
It ties in well with the celebration of MOTHERS DAY occurring in many parts of the world on the second Sunday in May.
We have had this focus before but consider there are so many people who influence us with their ‘mothering’ energy it is worth choosing this focus over and over……even if it is the same woman you choose.
DAILY ACTION: Some people have requested a specific action to do each day so we will be offering these in our daily emails with a ♥LOVE Dare/Challenge …
Ramona’s 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign for June 2011 inspired us with the touching and wonderful Art Journal project she did which resulted in her re-framing her relationship with her mother who is deceased:-
She commented on ♥Susiesheartpathblog – May 23, 2011:
“This project is (was) just the motivation that I needed to stop denying my long -neglected relationship with my mother and do something about it. I would not have known exactly what “it” was until you came up with this project!
Sure, my dreams have been haunting me for a long time to ‘do something’ about it, but what was I to do? Now, with your inspiring momentum, I know exactly what to do, and how to get going…..”
COST: FREE★ You simply choose how much time and effort you want to daily spend with a reminder the ACTIONS you take create the RESULTS you get!
1) Choose WHO you will focus on for the 30 Days
2) In the COMMENTS at end of this page put:
a. WHO you are choosing
b. WHAT you will be doing for the 30 Days – your ACTIONS
c. WHERE you are from – your LOCATION – so we can see and feel the link-up around the world.
3) We recommend putting the ACTIONS you will be doing in the ♥SMART P format –
R-elevant & R-elated
T-ime frame – set yourself a time limit for each day,
Positive – Eg: putting it is the positive – Once a day I am doing _____________♥LOVE-ing action for __________ instead of describing it by saying I won’t______________eg: neglect or ignore my friend……etc…
4) For those on Facebook go to our Institute for Relationship Development 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign page. CLICK on I’M GOING at the top of this page near the heading so we have the pics of the group….it is great to be able to see you all….
5) You will then be added to our private 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign FACEBOOK GROUP PAGE.
On this page we will be posting Daily ♥Tips and ♥TOOLS in relation to the 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign.
We encourage you to regularly visit and ‘mingle’ and interact with this wonderful group……it’s great to post progress reports, inspiring bits and pieces, celebrating yourself, requests for help and support & encouragement……just saying Helloooooooo……. both on the Facebook Group page and on this page.
STUCK FOR IDEAS ON WHAT TO DO? – I suggest you read what I wrote in my blog on Sunday 15th May 2011 about what I chose to do in relation to my sisters for the June 30 Day Being-♥LOVE Campaign.
BENEFITS: unimaginable quantum leaps in opening and growing both yours and your Receiver’s ♥Heart. Committing to giving ♥LOVE daily is an excellent way to become more ♥LOVE-ing.
WHO SHOULD PARTICIPATE: All Welcome! – This is for YOU – if you are interested in achieving more happiness and ♥LOVE-ing in your life and in the lives of people you care about.
NOTE: It is OK for people to jump in AT ANY TIME and come on board throughout the month.
SUPPORT: There will be regular Daily ♥Tips and STORIES and ♥TOOLS and ENERGIZER BUDDIES (as I call them) to keep you on track and encouraging you
throughout the 30 Day Being-♥LOVE . Updates will be regularly posted to help you with challenges as well as reminders to celebrate along the way.
It is so valuable and energising to find a ‘community’ of like-minded people on this journey of creating a more ♥LOVE-ing world and participate in a project like this with them……people who inspire you, challenge you, validate you, support you and care about you…..Imagine yourself as part of such a community……
I am so grateful that with today’s technology we have the ability to create a virtual community so that we can connect over vast distances.
Absolutely know that there is very little for you to do
to choose to participate…….
CHOOSE THE PERSON RIGHT NOW you will give your attention to.
Take just 5 minutes to write what you will do for them and you have started!!
Know that your caring about and ♥LOVE-ing others makes a difference…and we all have enough time to be more ♥LOVE-ing and to grow our ability to do so as well as strengthening our ♥LOVE-ing muscles!…….
With Gratitude and LOVE, Susie♥
Spread the word to help ♥LOVE grow!
much more than you think……!
“The soul grows well when giving and receiving Love.
Love is after all, a verb, an action word, not a noun.” ~ Joan Borysenko
“We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make, which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot see.” ~ Marian Wright Edelman.
“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return” ~ Moulin Rouge & originally from ‘Nature Boy’ sung by Nat King Cole & written by Eden Ahbez.
Ken Keyes, Jr. ~ “A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world; everyone you meet is your mirror”
“Little things bring big changes……” ~ Dr John Gray
“Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.” ~ Mozart