♥ DAILY LOVE TIP – Tuesday October 18, 2011
Hello ♥Lovelies,
This is gorgeous. Just what I needed to find…..It seems like every second person I meet these days is running around ‘run off their feet’……
So instead of writing anymore I am going to go and….
My invitation is for you join me for a minimum of 5 minutes. I am going to take longer……..:O)
I needed that more than anything today
With much Appreciation <3 Holly
Hi Holly♥, hope you took the chance to sit outside in your beautiful Tasmanian environment….I imagine myself being there in so many special spots…..You’ve reminded me of a beautiful photo we have of Gem sitting being in the lavender there…. I’ll share it in the next post….He is really good at watching the grass and the flowers growing…..Hope you’re feeling renewed…if not how about some more tomorrow…and the next day…….:) Susie♥
I really like this Susie.Thank you, I’M A BIG FAN of listening to the grass, sometimes I lie down next to Rosie, the dog, outside (and inside) and enjoy the grass that was up to my thighs with yellow flowers thru it. Sometimes Rosie will try to smooch you in the neck before she too listens to the grass, it takes lots of willpower sometimes to be with yourself and the grass, often I talk to my girls and they’re are just sitting, on the beach, in a park on the bench. I like to think they too know how to listen, I think its one of the best things I’ve shown them – being still and finding the quiet places in and around ourselves, another would be eating. The type of eating where going out for dinner when they were little meant taking our saucepans of food into the park with a picnic blanket, tearing the ripe passionfruit off the vine and sucking the fruit out, dropping the husk on the ground and searching for the next heavy one while licking the juice of our chins and fingers, having a treats meal for dinner where we had tiny bits of this and that served up like a meze platter of food. Amazing how we stay slim, I guess we’re still hunting and gathering our food and our stillness…
You paint a beautiful picture ♥Hilary…..all my senses are taking notice……especially the taste of passion fruit….and licking the juice off chins and fingers….. I think that is one of the things that is delightful for me about slowing right down is the focus and attention that we can give to whatever is in front of us……I have the most beautiful daisy bushes like in the image on the blog in our warm fuzzy garden and the detail just sitting and being with them is delightful…….Yes I’m sure your girls would relish being in the scenes you share about…..and how important it is for parents to do the sorts of things you mention….and how much it is teaching them…..Susie♥
I’m right with you Susie~! I’ve been working long hours on a big project for two and half weeks now and today I am taking the morning off and I’m going to watch a movie on the couch, in my pajamas, with my dog~!! Yay~! 🙂
Yay ♥Anne!! I love getting completely transported into the different world of movies…. like it suspends my everyday reality….thanks for the reminder that it is time for a movie break for me too…. Susie♥