♥LOVE TIP – Monday April 2nd, 2012
Dear Ones♥
It’s my birthday and here are ♥My Birthday Wishes for You –
that you know you are ♥LOVE-d and you feel held by ♥LOVE-ing hands and arms
Image courtesy Cafe Gratitude.
that everywhere you look you see and find ♥LOVE and Beauty and ♥Delight and you feel nourished by Mother Earth
that you see yourself with Joy and Acceptance and ♥Delight
that you have ♥True Friends in your life that want you to shine and sparkle and fly and lift you higher and higher….and who know the “song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words”……and who touch your heart…
card courtesy Liv Lane – http://www.choosingbeauty.com/
that you are able to laugh out loud and play and be silly and that the people around you play and laugh and be silly with you … 🙂 🙂
that you deeply know and feel that you have Choices…♥
that you have a true sense of meaning in your life and know that you ♥You matter in our world and that ♥You make A Difference
and that you always believe something ♥Wonderful is about to happen…
It’s an interesting task coming up with what you would wish for your friends to have….at this point in writing I’m starting to think what about things like success, abundance, following your passion, good health, a sense of belonging and connection to community, resilience, strength, kindness, compassion and so many others…….and of course not forgetting a ♥GEM & SOPHIE in your life and a stash in your fridge of the Yummiest Raw Cacao Mint Cheesecake covered in goji berries 🙂 …………♥
Question for you: What do you wish for the people that you care about♥ Share with someone and have them ♥MIRROR you for a minimum of 5 minutes and then swap.
I am Grateful that you are in my life. I’m imagining you as a connoisseur of ♥DELIGHT …….LOVE Susie♥
“Every object, every being, is a jar full of delight. Be a connoisseur.” ~ Rumi [http://voluptuart.com/every-object-rumi-p-69.html …..These words by Rumi are on a magnet that is next to my computer that often catches my eye and reminds me.]
Love it – thanks again Susie for being you.
Thanks for your appreciation…….do you know thinking about it there is no better acknowledgement than being thanked for being yourself. Wow!
And it is such a gift for me that being Me brings Joy to others♥…….
Have the best day, I am 🙂 ♥LOVE Susie
Sweet Susie Birthday Girl – I accept your wish to be a connoisseur of delight!
Your wishes and invitations always, always open me to what is possible.
Delight is the word I associate with you.
Blessings on you this birthday week.
I’m glad you were born.
With love, eliz
Sweet Susie Birthday Girl – that sounds just gorgeous to be addressed that way at 62!!
Sweet ♥Elizabeth Friend connoisseur of ♥Delight……:)
I will remember with much fondness and gratefulness that you associate me – Sweet Susie Girl – with ♥DELIGHT! From now on I’ll remember You and your ♥LOVE and your regular popping in and affirming me when I think of ♥Delight!
I have adopted your Birthday week idea…in fact I might even adopt a birthday month plan!! Let’s truly ♥delight and indulge ourselves….you know one of the fabulous consequences of having friends in many places on the planet is days are much longer now!!
I am so glad I was born and I am so glad that you are part of my life. I am grateful for you and for our connection.
Much ♥LOVE from a truly affirmed & delighted ♥Susie.
I am so LUCKY to be your friend, basking in your most wonderful wishes for us. And I am sending them back multiplied for you, dear Susie. May you always laugh and play and KNOW you make a difference. May you always believe something wonderful is about to happen. And may you ALWAYS have a stash of cheesecake in your fridge! XOXOXO
♥Susan sweetums,
What amazing Gifts we are to each other!!!!
Thank you for sending your birthday wishes! – I am laughing and have just been playing and I DO KNOW i make a difference and mostly remember to believe something wonderful is about to happen… getting better by the day….and remember it more when connecting with ♥kindred souls like you…..:).
AND uh oh you’ve reminded me I’ve only a couple of little skerricks of the stash of the yummiest Raw Cacao Mint Cheesecake covered in goji berries left in my fridge. I’m going right now to make the yummiest raw Blueberry Cheesecake though….. I think I can ‘last’ with that till tomorrow or the next day when I’ll have to make the Cacao Mint!! [skerricks are morsels by the way – I think it is a word but can’t find it listed!]
♥LOVE from a VERY LUCKY Susie♥